Biblically Responsible Investing
Inspired by excellence & innovation. We offer a wide range of high-quality financial teachings, based on Biblical principles.
Biblically Responsible Investing
WWJD: What would Jesus Do? That is a question that is asked very broadly in Christian circles, and has been the basis of no shortage of sermons, bible studies, and church programs, not to mention tee shirts. Of course this is a question that should permeate every aspect of our lives as Christians, as I am facing the various circumstances of my life, what would Jesus do?
The way a Christian operates should be very different than the way that the world operates. This uniqueness should be borne out in virtually every area of our lives, not the least of which is how we decide to deal with our finances, including our investment decisions.
Should a Christian invest as the world invests, with a goal toward maximizing profits without any other considerations? Of course maximizing profits is a good thing. A Christian may argue that the more money that I have, the more I can give to Christian ministries, and therefore I should make as much money as I can, in any way that I can, in order to grow the kingdom of God.
That said, should a Christian profit from things that cause harm to others, or engage in sin or rebellion against God? Should a Christian profit from activities supporting aborting or pornography? How would God view our desire to make profits in such ways?
Should our investing be a tool to change the companies and drive them to be more ethical or more consistent with Biblical morality?
In this module, we will explore these questions and attempt to develop a philosophy of investing in accordance with Biblical standards, as well as to discuss tools that have been developed to equip financial advisers with the knowledge and expertise required to effectively invest in accordance with Biblical standards.
Course Materials: Wall Street Awakening by Mark Minnella
Understanding the Heart of God by Dan Hart